Terms & Sale Conditions
These General Conditions of Sale (GCS) govern the retail sale of food products under the “Tenute Allegretti” brand in Italy by Soc. Agr. Demar s.r.l. Unipersonale. Benefit Company is aimed at customers who purchase products from the site, by telephone / fax and / or by correspondence. - DEFINITIONS
In the interpretation of the General Conditions of Sale, the following terms must be understood in the sense set out below:
Seller: Soc. Agr. Demar s.r.l. Unipersonale, with registered office in Via Case Sparse 1 / A – 72015 Montalbano di Fasano (Br).
WebSite: www.tenuteallegretti.com
Correspondence: mailing of order forms through which you can make a purchase.
Goods / Products: “Tenute Allegretti” brand food products
Consumer: natural person who acts for purposes unrelated to any entrepreneurial, commercial, craft or professional activity carried out.
Professional: natural or legal person who carries out commercial, entrepreneurial, craft or professional activities.
Customer / s: Consumer who is of legal age and / or Professional who buys the goods and to whom these GCS will apply indifferently. - OBJECT OF THE CONTRACT
The presentation of the products on the website and in the paper catalogs represents an offer to the public and is aimed at individuals of legal age and legal persons, excluding those who trade them in the exercise of an entrepreneurial, commercial, craft or professional activity.
The characteristics of the products are indicated and described on the website and in the printed catalogs.
The images inserted on the site and / or in the paper catalogs describing the products are for illustrative purposes, are purely indicative and do not constitute a contractual element.
The sending of the order will be considered as a contractual purchase proposal addressed by the Customer to Soc. Agr. Demar s.r.l. Unipersonale for the chosen products, each considered individually.
The Customer accepts that at the same time as the order is sent, he may receive at the e-mail address indicated a communication of taking charge of the order containing his summary, the agreed price and all the information required by law and, subsequently, via e-mail or via sms (if the customer has provided us with these contact details) the messages containing the shipping notice and scheduling the delivery of the ordered products. Receiving the messages does not constitute acceptance of the purchase proposal.
Receiving the messages does not constitute acceptance of the purchase proposal.
Receiving the messages does not constitute acceptance of the purchase proposal. 50 e ss. del d.lgs. 6 september 2005, n. 206. - APPLICABLE LAW
The Contract is governed by these GCS as well as, as applicable, by the provisions of Legislative Decree 6 September 2005, n. 206 (hereinafter, “Consumer Code”) and subsequent amendments. and for sale on the website of Legislative Decree no. 70/2003 and subsequent amendments, where applicable, as well as by the provisions of the Civil Code, although not expressly provided for here. - CANCELLATION OF ORDERS
The Customer can cancel the order until it has been prepared for the shipping process. In this case, no costs will be charged. The right of withdrawal is reserved under the terms and conditions indicated in the appropriate paragraph 14. - PRICES AND SHIPPING COSTS
The prices shown are valid only for Italy and include VAT, containers, packaging. There may be price differences between the products shown in the printed catalogs and those presented on the website www.tenuteallegretti.com and / or in the offers reserved for Professionals.
Prices may vary, both up and down. Soc. Agr. Demar s.r.l. Unipersonale invites the Customer to check the price indicated before placing the order.
If, due to misunderstandings or other problems attributable to the functioning of the computer systems, a price different from the actual one is indicated by mistake, Soc. Agr. Demar s.r.l. Unipersonale will promptly contact the Customer to check whether she still wishes to purchase the product at the correct price or to renounce the order.
Delivery to the address indicated by the Customer is included in the price displayed in the case of orders over € 150 for Italy, and € 250 for EU countries (not Extra EU). In other cases, the contribution to delivery costs is € 15 for Italy, € 25 for EU, € 45 for Extra EU. - TERMS OF PAYMENT
The methods of payment for the order that the customer can use, regardless of the channel through which the purchase is made, is: through electronic tools to be indicated at the time of order: affiliated credit cards. Soc. Agr. Demar s.r.l. Unipersonale utilizza il gateway bancario di SumUp per tutti i pagamenti elettronici. Credit cards issued by any bank can be used, as long as they belong to authorized circuits. With the use of these tools, the payment manager may request a payment authorization from the issuing bank to verify the validity of the payment method, so the Customer’s bank could block the amount equal to the order amount until the transaction will not be processed or until the authorization expires. In the event of anomalies or irregularities resulting from the authorization and / or payment, the Soc. Agr. Demar s.r.l. Unipersonale reserves the right not to accept the order and / or to terminate any contract concluded without the Customer having the right to compensation for any damages or to assert other claims. they can also use the following payment methods:
c) in advance by bank transfer, check, payment in c.c.p.Any transfer and payment costs are the sole responsibility of the Customer.
La Soc. Agr. Demar s.r.l. Unipersonale is exempt from the obligation to issue an invoice to Consumers according to Article 22 of the Presidential Decree n. 633/72, l’art. 2, lett. oo), del D.P.R. 21 dicembre 1996 n. 696 e dell’articolo 1, comma 1, lett. a) del D.M. 10 maggio 2019. Instead, there is an obligation towards the Professional.
Customers who purchase through the site and require an invoice must request it when ordering. If they order by phone or post, they will have to make the same request and provide the same data. - CUSTOMER’S OBLIGATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES
The Customer undertakes to release during the order phase the information necessary for the delivery of the goods in a complete, truthful and correct manner and not to place orders in such a way as to cause, or could cause, interruptions, damage or malfunctions to the activities of Soc. Agr . Demar s.r.l. Unipersonale, or for fraudulent purposes, or in any case to commit illegal activities, or to cause disturbance or damage to Soc. Agr. Demar s.r.l. Unipersonale or to third parties. In such cases, the order may be canceled, the personal account of the person who placed the order blocked and, if necessary, the competent authorities may be informed.
The Customer registered on the site undertakes to diligently keep the login credentials to the site and is solely responsible for all the activities carried out in the name of his account.
The Customer is solely responsible for the statements made during registration on the site, or order and for any errors reported in the information necessary for the correct delivery of the goods. Therefore, the Soc. Agr. Demar s.r.l. Unipersonale is not responsible for non-delivery of purchased goods caused by the Customer’s errors in indicating the shipping address. - DELIVERY METHODS
The Soc. Agr. Demar s.r.l. Unipersonale delivers directly to the address indicated by the Customer at the time of the order; the goods ordered therefore travel completely at the risk of Soc. Agr. Demar s.r.l. Unipersonale.
Verification of the integrity of the shipment of goods is the responsibility of the Customer at the time of delivery of the same. The Customer must therefore check the integrity of the packages and the quantitative and qualitative correspondence of the products.
In the event of any damage or shortages, the Customer must promptly report it to the courier. In such cases the Soc. Agr. Demar s.r.l. Unipersonale invites the Customer to refuse delivery.
The acceptance of the goods without the Customer having opposed a dispute or reservation to the courier which must be noted in the transport document is equivalent to acknowledgment of the conformity of the delivery of the goods purchased in terms of quantity and quality. The right of withdrawal is reserved under the terms and conditions indicated in the appropriate paragraph 13.
Depending on the area of destination of the goods, deliveries may take place over a period of time that varies, except for unforeseen circumstances, from 2 to 15 days from receipt of the order. The Soc. Agr. Demar s.r.l. Unipersonale asks the Customer to consider that the estimated times for sending and delivering the products are purely indicative and it is not possible to fully rely on them. In the case of bank transfer and payment in c.c.p. in advance, the shipment will take place as soon as the credit has been credited to the current account of Soc. Agr. Demar s.r.l. Unipersonale. For this reason it may take a few more working days.
Couriers are not authorized to leave purchased goods unattended. Therefore, when ordering, the Customer is requested to make notes on the delivery preferences. - DELIVERY AREAS
The Soc. Agr. Demar s.r.l. Unipersonale makes deliveries throughout the national and European territory using an external distribution system. - UNAVAILABILITY OF PRODUCTS
If the ordered products are temporarily unavailable, Soc. Agr. Demar s.r.l. Unipersonale will promptly inform the Customer, without prejudice to the latter’s right to renounce the order.
In the event of a negative outcome of the product availability check, the Customer will immediately be notified by e-mail or – if he has not issued an e-mail – on the telephone which will be followed by the cancellation of the payment authorization or, if occurred, the ” full refund of any price already paid by the Customer by bank transfer to the IBAN code which will be communicated by the Customer or by check. - RIGHT OF WITHDRAWAL
The Customer has the right to withdraw from the contract and proceed with the return of the goods, as long as they are intact and in the same condition in which they were delivered (unless the product was to his liking), without having to provide any reasons or incur any costs. even after the 14 days provided for by the Consumer Code for the right of withdrawal. - LEGAL CONFORMITY GUARANTEE
All purchased products enjoy the legal guarantee.
To the sale of the Products to the Customer Soc. Agr. Demar s.r.l. Unipersonale applies the legal guarantee of conformity provided for by articles 128-135 of the Consumer Code. The Soc. Agr. Demar s.r.l. Unipersonale is liable to the Customer for any lack of conformity of the products sold existing at the time of delivery of the products themselves and which occurs within the term of two years from delivery, without prejudice to the shorter term of the date of the minimum storage term or expiry date indicated on the product. The lack of conformity must be reported by the Customer within 2 months from the date on which he discovered the defect. Unless proven otherwise, it is assumed that the lack of conformity that occurs within 6 months of delivery of the product already existed on that date, unless this hypothesis is incompatible with the nature of the product (for example because perishable or because it is subject to expiry more short) or with the nature of the lack of conformity (for example, due to slight deterioration resulting from wear). In any case, damages and / or anomalies that have been caused by the Customer and do not derive from a lack of conformity are excluded from the legal guarantee.
In the cases referred to in the previous point, the Customer has the right to restore, without charge, the conformity of the product by replacement, or to an adequate reduction in the price or to terminate the contract according to the provisions of the Consumer Code.
The report of any defects and non-conformities must be sent by the Customer to the addresses of Soc. Agr. Demar s.r.l. Unipersonale indicated in paragraph 13 or on the website, with indication of the defect and / or non-conformity found, as well as the relative documentation proving the date of purchase. Once this report has been received, Soc. Agr. Demar s.r.l. Unipersonale will contact the Customer for the use by him of the legal guarantee within a reasonable time, taking into account the type of product, the nature of the defect and the possibility of replacing it. - COMPLAINTS
Without prejudice to reports of non-compliance, for any report, complaint or request for information, it is possible to contact directly the address: info@tenuteallegretti.com, possibly quoting the order number assigned at the conclusion of the order reported in the order confirmation sent via e -mail, if received. - PROTECTION OF MINORS
Minors under the age of 18 are not authorized, unless under the control of an adult family member, to send orders via the online order form.
The Soc. Agr. Demar s.r.l. Unipersonale assumes no responsibility for any untrue age statements made during the purchase of products. - INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
The Soc. Agr. Demar s.r.l. Unipersonale has every and broadest intellectual property right on the Site, on the “Tenute Allegretti”, “Olio Allegretti” brands and on the contents and materials published therein (domain names, trademarks, texts, images, etc.).
It is not allowed to systematically extract and / or reuse, modify, transfer parts of the material and / or contents of the Site and / or paper catalogs, even with mining tools, robots or Artificial Intelligence, without the prior and express written consent of the Soc. Agr. Demar s.r.l. Unipersonale. - APPLICABLE LAW AND JURISDICTION
These GCS are regulated and must be interpreted in accordance with Italian law.
The language in which the Contract is concluded is Italian. In the event of a conflict between any versions of the General Conditions prepared in a language other than Italian (intended for other territorial areas) and accepted by the Customer, the meaning and interpretation of these GCS prevail in any case.
For any dispute arising from the interpretation of these GCS or from their execution or concerning the termination of this distance sales contract pursuant to art. 63 of the Consumer Code, the mandatory territorial jurisdiction is of the judge of the place of residence or domicile of the Customer, if located in Italy. - MODIFICATIONS OR VARIATIONS TO THE CONDITIONS
The Soc. Agr. Demar s.r.l. Unipersonale reserves the right to modify the Site, the catalogs and these General Conditions of Sale at any time to offer new products or services, or to comply with provisions of law or regulations.
The Customer will be subject to the policies and terms of the GCS from time to time in force when ordering the products, unless any changes are required by applicable law or by the competent authorities (in the latter case, the changes must also apply to orders placed previously).
If a provision of these GCS should be totally or partially invalid, null and / or ineffective, or for any reason inapplicable, the remaining provisions of the GCS will remain valid and effective in any case.
Although not expressly provided for by these GCS, the Italian laws in force apply. - PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA
For information on the processing of personal data, you can consult the Privacy Policy page of the website - CONTACTS
For any communications, please contact Soc. Agr. Demar s.r.l. Unipersonale at the following addresses:
Via Case Sparse 1/A
18100 Montalbano di Fasano (Br)
+39 393 976 2474